Oxpecker icon


Apple Watch Ultra running Oxpecker, Client for Mastodon

Mastodon on your wrist.

Easy-to-use, independent Mastodon client for the Apple Watch.

Download Oxpecker on the App Store

Key Features

View Images

Read Alt text and zoom on images.

Watch Videos

GIFs and audio are supported too.

Create Posts

Directly on your Apple Watch!

Access Links

Browse the web.


Previews attached images too.

Read Comments

Rendered with custom emojis too!

View Profiles

Tap on @username or profile picture.

Prior Notifications

Check what you've missed.

Adjustable Text Size

Works on top of Dynamic Type!

Made by Vincent Neo, from 🇸🇬 Mastodon Icon
© 2024
DISCLAIMER: We are not affiliated, associated, endorsed by, or in any way connected to Mastodon. Oxpecker is a Mastodon compatible client, that runs independently on the Apple Watch and iPhone.